How to define your hair type? A complete guide

Understanding your hair's texture and type is essential to its proper care. Whether you have straight, wavy, curly or frizzy hair, each hair type has its own unique characteristics that require specific care. In this article, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of determining your hair type.

Step 1: Observe your hair when it's clean and natural

To determine your hair type, it's best to observe it when it's clean, without the use of styling products or chemical treatments. Wash your hair with our shampoo, for example, and let it dry naturally, without brushing or styling. This will give you a better idea of your hair's natural texture.

Step 2: Examine the shape of your curls or waves

Once your hair is dry, take a close look at the shape of your curls or waves. If your hair is straight and has no curls or waves, you probably have straight hair. If your hair has slight S-shaped waves, you have wavy hair. More pronounced, defined curls indicate curly hair, while tight, Z-shaped curls are characteristic of curly or frizzy hair.

Step 3: Evaluate your hair's density and thickness

Hair density refers to the amount of hair on your scalp, while thickness refers to the individual width of each hair. To assess density, separate your hair into sections and observe the amount of hair present. If you have a lot of hair, you have a high density. On the other hand, if you have less hair, you have low to medium density.

To determine the thickness of your hair, take a strand between your fingers and observe its width. If the hair is fine and delicate, you have fine hair. If the hair is thick and robust, you have thick hair. Note that you can also have high-density hair with a fine texture, or low-density hair with a thick texture. The combinations are numerous.

Step 4: Consider other specific features

In addition to texture, density and thickness, there are other specific characteristics to consider when determining your hair type. For example, some may have frizz-prone hair, while others may have highly porous hair that absorbs moisture quickly. It's also important to consider the overall health of your hair, such as elasticity and shine.

Step 5: Consult the professionals

Determining your exact hair type can sometimes be complex, as there are many possible variations and combinations. If you're still unsure, or would like a more in-depth assessment, don't hesitate to take our quiz, which will help you identify this easily.
You can also make an appointment with expert hairdressers who can help you understand your hair's particularities in detail and provide you with personalized advice. 

Step 6: Adapt your hair care routine

Once you've determined your hair type, it's essential to adapt your hair care routine accordingly. Each hair type has specific needs, whether in terms of cleansing, moisturizing, styling or protection. Choose hair care products specially designed for your hair type and follow the recommendations adapted to your texture.

For example, if you have straight hair, you can opt for lightweight products that won't weigh your hair down, like our Keratin range. For curly or frizzy hair, it's important to use moisturizing and nourishing products to maintain hydration and define curls, like our Owala range. Don't forget to use appropriate styling techniques, such as wide-tooth combs or brushes adapted to your hair type.


In conclusion, determining your hair type is an essential first step in caring for your hair properly. By carefully observing texture, curl shape, density, thickness and other specific characteristics, you can tailor your hair care to achieve healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. Don't hesitate to experiment and seek professional advice to discover which products and techniques work best for you.

 different hair types


To sum up, here are the main hair types:

Type 1. Straight hair:
Straight hair is smooth, with no visible curls or waves. It can be fine or thick.

Type 2. Wavy hair : Wavy hair has an intermediate texture between straight and curly hair. It can have light S-shaped waves or more pronounced waves.

Type 3. Curly hair : Curly hair has more defined, tighter curls. It can form spiral or spring curls. The texture of curly hair can vary, from soft curls to tighter curls.

Type 4. Curly / Frizzy hair: Curly hair is characterized by tighter, smaller curls. The texture of curly hair can be dense and frizzy, forming Z-shaped curls. Frizzy hair has a very tight texture and is often very voluminous. Frizzy hair can form very small curls and come in a variety of shapes, including zigzag.

It's important to note that hair type classification may vary according to the classification systems used. These general categories are simply intended to give an idea of the different hair textures that can be encountered.


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